Rowena O'Beirne

Rowena qualified as a Functional Kinesiologist in June 2024 with the College of Functional Wellness and is a registered practitioner with the Kinesiology Federation.

Following a long leadership career in the education and charity sectors, Rowena discovered Kinesiology whilst pursuing answers to her personal health complaints and becoming frustrated with the myopic approach of the traditional medical model of addressing health and wellbeing issues. Having experienced first-hand the profound and sustained improvements that can be achieved through a truly holistic approach to one’s health, she began her professional journey into the complementary health sector.

Through Kinesiology, she uses muscle testing to communicate with the body to discover the underlying causes contributing to health issues. This therapy detects where imbalances lie; structurally, biochemically, emotionally, or electrically, and uses a range of tools and techniques to support the body back into balance so that it can heal, such as neurolymphatic reflex massage, meridian balancing, hypertonic muscle release, nutritional supplementation, Bach flower remedies and Ileocecal Valve correction.

Functional Kinesiology combines tried and tested methods and techniques from a variety of kinesiology modalities with cutting edge research in functional nutrition. It uses a unique clinical approach to support patients back to full health, focussing on the following 6 key areas; blood sugar regulation, stress and adrenal health, hormone balancing, digestive health, immune health and emotional wellbeing.


Rudi Al-Fekaiki - Acupuncturist / Reflexologists