Functional Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that uses muscle testing to identify and address the root causes of health issues. This gentle yet powerful technique uncovers imbalances in the body—whether structural, biochemical, emotional, or electrical—and applies a range of tailored tools and techniques to restore balance and support the body’s natural healing processes.
What is Functional Kinesiology?
Functional Kinesiology combines traditional kinesiology methods with cutting-edge research in functional nutrition. This approach focuses on six key areas of health to support optimal physical and emotional well-being:
1 Blood Sugar balancing.
2 Stress and Adrenal health.
3 Hormone balancing.
4 Digestive health.
5 Immune system health.
6 Emotional wellbeing.
As Functional Kinesiology is unique and has many tools to help treat once the root cause is identified, the body is supported with Muscle Testing, Nutritional Recommendations, Diet, Food Intolerance Testing, Kinesiology Techniques, Structural Work, Energy Reflexes and Emotional Support to help your body get to its optimum balance.
A key part of Functional Kinesiology is the focus on diet and the ability to help and support clients with diet plans to suit their needs, this gives the structure of good health.
Due to todays unnatural farming methods, processed foods, and microwave use, a lot of people in the UK are deficient in vital nutrients. You will be
recommended a programme of supplements to aid your recovery, which are charged separately.
To help the body get really healthy, all areas of a Client's health are looked at, and this is known as the 'BEES'.
BIOCHEMICAL - Diet, food intolerance, supplements, toxic chemical exposure, heavy metals.
EMOTIONAL - Emotional coaching and techniques to clear blocks and stress which can manifest as symptoms.
ELECTRICAL - Using Chinese Five Elements and Acupuncture points to correct imbalances.
STRUCTURAL - Correcting issues such as jaw problems or Ileocecal valve
Functional Kinesiology looks at the specific areas of Structural (muscles/bones), Nutritional (intolerance/food testing), Emotional (past trauma/fear) and Electrical (Meridians)
Corrections are made to imbalances using Lymphatic Massage, Nutritional Supplements, Acupressure, Energy Work and Bach Flower Remedies.
Lifestyle changes may be recommended which will play a vital role between each session. These may include supplements, nutrition, and/or Bach Flower Remedies.
Depending on your particular health concern, follow-up treatments are recommended regularly; usually every 2 to 3 weeks. To maintain good health a monthly appointment is suggested.
Kinesiology is suitable for all age groups, including children. Testing is carried out with the patient fully clothed, and is tailored to the individual.
Some areas in which Kinesiology can benefit the individual are:
IBS, Yeast Infections, Candida, Indigestion, Digestive Discomfort, Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Indigestion, SIBO, Bloating, Blood Sugar Imbalances, Food Sensitivity, Constipation, Diverticulitis, Bacterial, Fungal, Parasite issues.
Auto-immune conditions, Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Long COVID Symptoms, Hay-fever, Skin Disorders, virus.
Stress, Adrenal Stress, Overwhelm, Fatigue,
Muscular Stress, Back Ache/Pain, Shoulder Pain, Physical Pain, Insomnia, Headaches, Migraines.
PeriMenopause, Menopause, Menstrual Problems, Hormonal/Endocrine Imbalances, Thyroid Imbalances, Oestrogen Dominance.
Anxiety, Emotional Stress, Emotional Blocks.

This approach can help to address many health issues, including.
Anxiety and overwhelm
Joint pain
Food Intolerances
Digestive issues
Weight imbalance and food cravings
Exhaustion, fatigue and stress
Hormone imbalances
Skin issues
Migraines and headaches

Treatments are tailor made to the individual and are available with Rowena on a Friday from 10am until 7pm
Suitable for all ages
On booking the initial appointment, the patient will be emailed a form that needs to be completed in full prior to the first appointment
First appointment (90 minutes / 1½ hours) £85
Follow up appointment (60 minutes) £70
No difference between adult and child appointments